Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reinstalling An Older Version

I woke up today finding my computer was complaining that the update registry was out of date. It suggested I manually try reloading it, or that I might have network problems. I tried manually having it check for updates, and sure enough it just sat there not getting anywhere for 5 minutes. I had already been pretty sure it was from me trying to get the network set up earlier, so I just transferred everything to another partition and installed Ubuntu 8.04.

Yes, I reverted back to 8.04 from 8.10, as that's the version more things are designed for, such as Flash for YouTube and other media. I'm also hoping that when I get it installed on my mate's computer that I'll be able to get a working network connection. Right now I don't care if I can only set up a Samba network and not an SSH network, even SSH is supposed to be faster, as long as it works. I'm also a little sad that Guake (a drop down terminal application) isn't in the available applications, so I'm using what I consider to be it's lesser cousin Tilda. Even though I don't need to use terminal commands all that often, I love having it very readily available through a keyboard shortcut.

I also installed Wine 1.1.15, but I'm thinking I might want to find an older version. I use it mostly to play Ragnarok Online, but 1.1.15 won't let it run with sound, and the mouse is quite sluggish. Haven't tried playing enough yet to see if the framerate is otherwise tolerable, but I'm likely to get too annoyed by not being able to hear what's going on and having a really sluggish mouse, especially since my main character is a Priestess who needs to be able to quickly use her supportive spells. From what I've read Wine version 0.9.16 should work well so I'll have to look into that more later.

In other news my ankle is doing quite a bit better today, so I didnt' have to take any ibuprofen. Still had it wrapped in an ace-bandage, and I'll do that again tomorrow as I have to go shopping. I'm hoping that standing and walking around more than normal won't aggrevate it too much. If it does I might have to cut shopping short and not get any fabric this time, which would sadly delay making the dress but my health has to come first.

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