Monday, July 2, 2012

Old Weldster

Well, even more stuff has happened, as it's always wont to do. For starters I'm now 30. While I know that in the grand scheme of things it's still young, it certainly doesn't feel like it when you hit it. Something about the arbitrary way we count our age that puts 30 into firm adulthood, having to be someone who's always responsible, and is either is or is finishing being established and settled.

Yeah fucking right.

I can't say my level of responsibility has changed since I joined the Air Force and got married at 19 (technically joining the USAF was a week before that age, but whatever). I've never been sure on exactly what makes one "established" or not, as it's not like each person is their own business, but I'm really only now expanding my circles of friends and gaining tenuous connections with professionals. As for being settled, well, I start moving into a new apartment in just over a fortnight.

By now, though, you're probably wondering what all of that has to do with the title. Well, it did cover the "old", but not the latter half. That's being a pun on "old spinster" and the new skill I've been learning from a friend: welding. Of course, "old spinster" really doesn't apply to me since I'm married, have a boyfriend, and get to do things like hugging and kissing my spouse's girlfriend, but my mind came up with the pun and I decided to use it. (It certainly beats having some form of "Yet Another Update", which I've done to death, rebirth, death, resurrection, death, undeath, and back again.)

According to the friend who's teaching me, and who doesn't give out compliments unless she feels they're earned, I've been picking it up pretty quickly and well. She's later gonna show me some other types of welding and such, and I'm really looking forward to that. I'm in turn showing her Linux, which she's liking.

What else... Oh yeah! I've been working on a custom RPG and it's actually at the beta stage now. Currently I just need to throw in some force skills so I can run a Star Wars campaign for testing it. I've watched episodes 1-6, the Holiday Special (ye gads...), and plan on watching Battle for Endor (but don't have any plans on watching Caravan of Courage) to wrap it up, so that I can base the force skills off of what's seen in official live action movies (I'm ignoring the Clone Wars series for this).

For playtesting I'll again be using the wonderful program MapTool, which is a virtual tabletop program that supports macros (automated dice rolls and other functions) and allows everyone to connect over the internet. If you're interested in the game mechanics or how the campaign progresses you can check it out over on HouseruleGaming.

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